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Retained Executive Search


As a retained firm, we represent the interests of your organization, not the interests of the applicant.  We work hard to understand the company, its people, its mission, its culture, and its goals and objectives.  We shape the requirements of each position around our in-depth review of the client, its products, and its competition, and then find, evaluate, and present accomplished leaders who produce results.  At each step of the way, regular status reports keep our clients involved in the process.


We actively seek the best people. We work closely with existing and emerging leaders in our global social network to identify the individuals making the greatest impact in their field.


Our behaviorally-anchored assessments consist of thorough telephone and personal interviews, preliminary reference checking, and, when mutual interest is firmly established, thorough background and professional reference investigation.  In the assessment of every candidate, we consider technical qualifications, achievements, effectiveness, intellectual qualities, and personal characteristics.


We use a customized three-stage approach and stay in touch. We conduct executive search in three closely coordinated stages generally over 60 to 90 days.  Each stage is typically 20 to 30 days in length.

Stage 1: Research and Design


During this initial phase, we interview and study the client to understand the culture, leadership, human resource and organizational strategy, and long-term direction.  We develop the search requirements and design a Position Announcement that details the duties and desired qualifications for the job.

Stage 2: Identification and Evaluation


We intensify our human resources research, contacting and interviewing targets of interest and sources in the field, soliciting written candidate presentations from the most qualified individuals, and developing the lead pool of three to five most qualified candidates.

Stage 3: Presentation and Selection


We present a report to the client that includes credentials, the candidate’s written statement, and any other data relevant to our client’s decision.  The client selects a group of individuals for interviews.  We handle all the logistics and scheduling, prepare the client with interview and assessment tools, observe the interviews, and provide feedback to help the client come to a decision.  We conduct extensive reference checks at this time, facilitate in negotiations, and handle communication with all candidates and applicants who are not selected before closing the search.

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